Haiz.... finally got past the first week of shcool, finally used to waking up early.
I have quite a bad cough. darn! Worse off i also have a loose tooth so it is very painful when i eat anything. can't enjoy meals... could'nt even finish my dinner.
School's been fine so far, not much to say about that.
Ok.... About football now.....
The FAS (Football association of Singapore) is a bloody liar. They are not determined to train us at all 53 people are selected for the training, 20 are supposed to go for this supposed competiton in Japan. They say that if we don't do well in our studies, we can't play. There are some people who rule in football but are not so good in their studies and the FAS are just not going to give them a chance to play ahnd Singapore will miss a talent. And then they also said they will call us to start training, if they were really determined to train us they would start training immediately. And they also lured us to the finals of the competiton - I was not participating - by saying that there was a trial, I spent the entire day preparing and they told us to be there by 3 p.m. We went at 3, we waited and waited but they only needed us to fill up a form and take a photo with the minister. Bloody liars made me waste an entire day!
Well too angry to type anymore so thats all