
Friday, September 26, 2008


I guess, I have to post to keep things interesting.

Sleeping at 2am every night nowadays. Mugging and mugging and more mugging. Don't call me a nerd, I can't study on weekends. And gots to do Quiet Time, although have to do it by 11 if not too sleepy. 
nitey nites now.

Sunday, September 07, 2008

There goes the holidays

How majestic is Your name
How wondrous is Your grace
You're my shelter from the storm
My redeemer and my God
You bring comfort to my soul.

Its amazing sometimes how God speaks to you.
While walking home one day with a piece of pvc cardboard on my hands, I wondered about flight theory. I just causally asked God to show me how flight theory works and how it applies. After a few minutes of playing with pvc, I just felt the Holy Spirit give me understanding on how a basic aerofoil works. 
Reading the Bible, I stumble on a hard verse, I ask again, and it is revealed. 
Ask and you shall receive.

Ok meandering around abit.
Term 3 vacation is gone.

Here's a quick look at what I did.

Monday: Zone F Heart to Heart Chalet.
Tuesday: Robotics training
Wednesday : Training
Thursday: Heartfest 08
Friday: NJRC
Saturday: Study and service
Sunday: Service, bought two books by Pst Joakim Lundqvist.
You and your Bible
Reaching the schools for Jesus. 

Well, there goes my holiday.
Pst Joakim is a really good author. He includes everything a teen could need to know their Bible!! 

Well, back to reading

Saturday, September 06, 2008

My heart is exceedingly sorrowful.

I know it's a little weird to have such an emo title. But, my heart just is. 

Just during service today, I suddenly thought of the people from Pei Hwa I didn't bring to church. 
En Quan

There are so many, I can't remember. I can remember En Quan crying, I can see it, from 2 years ago, I can still see it so vividly. I was a jerk before coming to church. I remember it now. Jerk to my cousins, friends and En Quan. My heart is remorseful. Never again, will I hurt people to the point of crying

I can see Keisha sitting across the aisle in math, lending me a stapler.

I can see Joan hitting me.

I can see Valerie chatting with me as I waited for people outside school.

I can see Benjamin laughing at his birthday party 4 years ago.

I can see Hekai talking to me about Halo as we walked down the steps.

I can see them all. Why didn't I reach out to them, why didn't I bring them to church. Why? Why? The question rings in my head. The sin of omission. I should have, I should have. All of them should be standing beside me in Zone F service, praying next to me in prayer meeting. 

All of them should be saved.

Never again....

Never again....

Never again will I repeat that mistake
My heart is exceedingly sorrowful, even till death. It is mournful towards the lost.

Hermann, Brian, Ronald, Astro, Terance, 
Sorry for being a jerk to you all.
You will get saved.

All those unsaved in ACS (I)

Lee Meng

Jing Kang


Tae Joon
(Not a long list)


You will get saved!
Still mournful yet full of faith now

Friday, September 05, 2008

Camp switching

I've switched camps. 
I've gone to the mac side of the world. I can't believe i stuck to windows for so long. 
I just got an iMac. 
20 inch screen
2.66 GHZ (Woots)
4gb RAM (w00ts)
250gb hard disk (not so w00ts, wanted more, some people don't understand my ravenous desire for space)

Mac OSX Leopard (tank LOL): Start up time : Roughly 20s
Shut Down: 10s
Windows Vista: Start up : 45s - 1min
Shut down: 30s

Mac seems unnaturally fast. And the lovely 20 inch screen.... ahhhhh.... computing paradise.
I first fell in love with mac while using for photoshop in computer studies lesson. Photoshop was lag-free.... amazing......
All my arguments are gone.
Lack of games - no problem install XP with the lovely boot camp.
Graphics Card: No problem, ATI Radeon
Speakers: Lovely built in speakers.
Price: COMEX 08!
Compatibility: So many mac apps, what's the problem
User - friendliness: How did I have a problem with that in the first place?

Ahhh.... Bliss.

Game performance

HL2 ep2 runs on near full graphics, just with shadows turned down for framerate.
Trackmania united forever the same, just shadowing
Command and Conquer 3 mid- high
Company of heroes mid -high  

Front Row runs so much faster that the windows equivalent.

iWork 08 pwns Microsoft Office upside down

Brilliant! What took me so long?