
Saturday, September 06, 2008

My heart is exceedingly sorrowful.

I know it's a little weird to have such an emo title. But, my heart just is. 

Just during service today, I suddenly thought of the people from Pei Hwa I didn't bring to church. 
En Quan

There are so many, I can't remember. I can remember En Quan crying, I can see it, from 2 years ago, I can still see it so vividly. I was a jerk before coming to church. I remember it now. Jerk to my cousins, friends and En Quan. My heart is remorseful. Never again, will I hurt people to the point of crying

I can see Keisha sitting across the aisle in math, lending me a stapler.

I can see Joan hitting me.

I can see Valerie chatting with me as I waited for people outside school.

I can see Benjamin laughing at his birthday party 4 years ago.

I can see Hekai talking to me about Halo as we walked down the steps.

I can see them all. Why didn't I reach out to them, why didn't I bring them to church. Why? Why? The question rings in my head. The sin of omission. I should have, I should have. All of them should be standing beside me in Zone F service, praying next to me in prayer meeting. 

All of them should be saved.

Never again....

Never again....

Never again will I repeat that mistake
My heart is exceedingly sorrowful, even till death. It is mournful towards the lost.

Hermann, Brian, Ronald, Astro, Terance, 
Sorry for being a jerk to you all.
You will get saved.

All those unsaved in ACS (I)

Lee Meng

Jing Kang


Tae Joon
(Not a long list)


You will get saved!
Still mournful yet full of faith now

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